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AurorA Presentation-Anchorage Museum Auditorium! :o)

Hi Everybody!

“Aurora Viewing Season” will soon be ending for the coming springtime as Alaska’s lengthening sunlight diminishes the night skies & our view into the Heavens!

I will be giving a free presentation on AurorA for the Alaska Society of Outdoor & Nature Photographers, Tuesday-April 11th in the Anchorage Museum Auditorium at 7:00 pm sharp.

I’ll cover some aurora/solar history, share some of my in-the-field experiences & expose some of the grand dynamics & mysteries of aurora that many folks are unaware of!

And of course I’ll answer plentiful technical questions about aurora photography I’m sure to be asked by the audience.

I know that not everyone can make it…but would be great to see you there if you can!

Put it on your calendars…tell a friend or bring a friend if you wish!

Clear Skies!


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