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We have halted all international and canadian orders due to the high cost of postage. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international and canadian orders due to the high cost of postage. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
We have halted all international orders due to the high cost of postage for the time being. Please email us with your questions or concerns.
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Enjoy AurorA © - Alaska's Great Northern Lights'
AurorA-Alaska's Great Northern Lights® (AKA: The AurorA Show) reflects 40 + years of
Alaska's finest and rarest auroral photography since 1981, captured across magnificent vistas.
AurorA plays in stunning High Definition BluRay® and has been
enjoyed by thousands of world travelers and local Alaskans alike.
AurorA Show® DVD’s & BluRay® Disks are always available here online!
AurorA Show® Rates & Location Info "Name This Photo" Contest
"Gemini Rising"
Name This Photo winner:
Sarah S. of Valdez, Alaska
Date Taken: September 26th, 2010
A September moon-rise climbs high in the southeastern sky illuminating the swath of fall colors blanketing the northwestern
Chugach Mountains and the valley below. As the twin stars of Gemini rise just above the ridgeline in the east, double auroral arcs
raced and danced through the starfields in the windless night. The glassy lake replicates the brief and delicate scene,
as the auroral display’s sweet emerald light blends itself with autumn’s golden landscapes.